(619)791-8817 devin@digimodels.us
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NewsLetter DigiModels
Hello DigiModels Subscribers!
This week, we will be covering a multitude of topics. Starting with Roblox introducing Spatial Voice comms for verified users of the platform. What are your thoughts on the matter? Would you permit your children to communicate via Voice on their instance?
Whatever you allow them to do, everyone really should be more active in teaching others to not pick their nose 😀 You already know how many disgusting controllers are out there!
Security researchers are warning users against tracking in-app for Apple owners of a potential breach of trust from TikTok, Meta, Facebook & Instagram.
If that doesn’t worry you, perhaps Zuck’s Meta picture will Lol Maybe I’ll stick to DecentraLand.
Check us out on BeReal, even though we still are figuring out all of the Features, it seems to be gaining a lot of popularity worldwide because of its spontaneity & dual-use of cameras.
That’s all we have for you this week! See you next time.